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--> The Gratitude Journal: 25 Tips and Suggestions How to Keep Gratitude Journal for Far More Happier, Fulfilled and Joyful Life【電子書籍】[ Angel Foster ]|お買い得!!人気のSuggestionがココに集結

<p>25 Tips and Suggestions How to Keep Gratitude Journal for Far More Happier, Fulfilled and Joyful Life</p> <p>Are moments of anxiety, the feeling of being stuck, dreading getting out of bed, the sleepless nights filled with stressful thoughts overwhelming you? What if there was a simple thing you could do to help you rise above these moments? To smile at each day no matter how terrible your current situations are or to be able to bounce back from a devastating blow life throws at you? What if all you had to do is take a few minutes out of the day to write? You may be skeptical, but all you need is a notebook and a pen or pencil and you can begin to change your negativity into positivity.</p> <p>Starting a gratitude journal could be the simple solution to rid you of the negativity and stress that is overtaking your life. These tips will guide you through the steps on how to find more happiness and joy in your life by simply making a note of the things that we find joy in, that we are grateful for.</p> <p>25 Tips and Suggestion for Starting and Keeping a Gratitude Journal will focus on:<br /> -The benefits of being grateful.<br /> -How to be grateful for the simple things that surround you.<br /> -How to turn your negative thoughts to positive ones.<br /> -How to stop letting stress and disappointment hold you back from the life you want<br /> ?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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